As work in progress, errors in names or dates are expected. However, my best guess today will be more accurate than someone else in the future. |
Archibald Cameron |
Sarah Cameron (nee Scaman) (? - 1934) |
Sarah (nee Scaman) and Archibald Cameron c. 1905 |
John Hilliard Cameron (1883 - 1942) | |
Cameron homestead on the river road outside Chatham c. 1900
John Hilliard Cameron delivering milk in Chatham (age 15) c. 1900 |
John Hilliard Cameron in cutter | |
Left to right Harvey Cameron (Ben's son) Josephine Clements, Doug Mainard (Becky son), Helen Cameron (Ben's daughter), Cameron Byron (Lila's son) Glenn Cameron, Jean Cameron c. 1918
Click here for more photos of Jean Cameron |
Kelcey Koehler Watson (1895 - 1947), Fern Cameron (1882 -?)with Dorothy Evelyn Watson (1919 - ?) This is one of the sets of two people where Watsons married Camerons. Fern's brother John Hilliard married Kelcey's sister Alta. (see next photo) The house was at New Scotland across the street from Welford and Jessie Watson.
c. 1920 |
Kelce, Fern, Alta, John Hilliard, Lillian Cameron in Lacombe, Alberta This vivid photo of the Cameron siblings who married the Watson sibling was taken by professional photographer Ben Cameron For a larger version click here. c. 193_ |
Wellford, Alta, Jessie and Kelce Watson | |
Alta Wave Cameron (nee Watson) John Hilliard Cameron |
John Hilliard, Jim Chittim, Alta, Belle Chittim | |
Bill Cameron (1900 - ?) -never married |
Archibald and Sarah's children Back row:(standing) John Hilliard, Lila, Ben Front row:(seated) Bill, Rebecca, Elizabeth, Fern, Pearl Missing: Harvey 1934
Welford Watson, Glenn Cameron, John Hilliard Cameron, Kelse Watson October 1935 |
Glenn Watson Cameron and Marion Lila Cameron c. 1935 |
Glenn and Marion Cameron c. 1935 |
Walter Clements and Josephine Clements c. 1935 |
Benjamin Scaman Cameron and wife Lillian (nee Sharp) |
John Hilliard Cameron c. 1942 |
Glenn Watson Cameron | |
George (Happy) Sheldrick (1919 - 1945) wedding to Marion Cameron Jean McIntyre (Cameron) and husband Jack on Marion's left. Glenn Cameron in seated on the left. October 17, 1942
Moonie Campbell and Marion Campbell (nee Cameron) with Margaret Cameron (nee Roe) in background |
Jessie Watson (nee Coleman) (1868 - 1952), Alta Cameron, Marion Sheldrick / Campbell (nee Cameron) holding Gloria in front of 53 William Street, Chatham c. 1945 |
Jessie Watson, Alta Cameron | |
Marion with Gloria (on right) | |
Alta (back row on left) and Jessie Watson (far right) in group | |
Jessie Watson with Glenn | |