

As work in progress, errors in names or dates are expected. However, my best guess today will be more accurate than someone else in the future.


Wellford W. Watson
(1864 - 1945)


Wilfred G. Watson
(1921 - )

photo courtesy:

William Henry Watson

(1838 - 1918)

More Details

Rosannah Jane Watson (nee Delong)
(1821 - 1900)

Rosannah Jane Watson with son

William Henry Watson

photo courtesy:

Children of Rosannah and John Watson

Back Row: Eugene, Theodore Frederick, Wellford

Front Row: Henry, Rosannah, Hortense, Angeline

Missing: Emma (1850-?), Mary (1853 - 1883)

Wellford, Alta, Jessie and Kelce Watson  
Jessie Watson, Alta Cameron  

Standing: Emma Steele, Ettis Coleman, George Coleman, Jessie Watson

Seated: Kate McDougall, Welford Watson


Alta Wave Cameron (nee Watson)
(1892 - 1958)

John Hilliard Cameron


Kelcey Koehler Watson (1895 - 1947), Fern Cameron (1882 -?)with Dorothy Evelyn Watson (1919 - ?)

The house was at New Scotland across the street from Welford and Jessie Watson.

c. 1920


Wellford and Jessie Watson in Toronto



Wellford Watson, Glenn Cameron, John Hilliard Cameron, Kelse Watson

October 1935


Jessie Watson (nee Coleman) (1868 - 1952), Alta Cameron, Marion Sheldrick / Campbell (nee Cameron) holding Gloria in front of 53 William Street, Chatham

c. 1945

Jessie Watson, Alta Cameron
Jessie Watson, Alta Cameron
Alta (back row on left) and Jessie Watson (far right) in group
Jessie Watson with Glenn

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